Multilateral Recognition Agreement (MRA) - UPDATED Jan 2019
NDT societies that have signed the ICNDT Multilateral Recognition Agreement (MRA) are listed in the ICNDT MRA Schedule 1.
Personnel Certification bodies that have been recognised by ICNDT are listed in the ICNDT MRA Schedule 2.
Each Party to Schedule 1 of the MRA shall:
- commit itself to the pursuance of the objectives of the MRA;
- promote the recognition and acceptance of the certification issued by PCBs registered under Schedule 2 of the MRA;
- assist other interested parties by giving a clear overview of the NDT personnel certification activities in its own country, including a description of the sectorial arrangements;
- provide other Parties with non-confidential information on the certification scheme(s) operated by PCBs registered under this Agreement;
- consult with and seek membership of the scheme and technical committees of NDT PCBs in its own country;
- indemnify ICNDT against liability for the Party’s use or misuse of this MRA.
Commitments of Registered Bodies
The NDT Personnel Certification Bodies (PCBs) listed in the ICNDT MRA Schedule 1 have satisfied all of the eligibility criteria for registration under the ICNDT Multilateral Recognition Agreement (MRA) for PCBs, including having undertaken to abide by the ICNDT Code of Practice, and has been nominated and accepted for registration within the terms of the Agreement signed by those Members of the International Committee for NDT (ICNDT) listed in Schedule 1 to the Agreement.
These Personnel Certification Bodies may therefore announce that holders of their certificates issued under these arrangements are certificated by a PCB which is registered by the ICNDT as meeting the requirements of the applicable Standards (including ISO 9712 and ISO 17024) and Technical Documents referenced in the schedule of conformity (scope) issued by the accreditor and/or the ICNDT.
All signatories to the Agreement, and all PCBs registered under the Agreement, are bound to promote the recognition and acceptance of the certificates issued by all other ICNDT Registered NDT Personnel Certification Bodies.
ICNDT accepts no liability for the use of certification awarded by Registered Personnel CertificationBodies.InaccordancewiththeinternationalstandardENISO 9712,the responsibility for the quality of NDT rests with the employer of the certificated person.
The ICNDT MRA and Personnel Certification Body assessment systems are subject to the jurisdiction of Austrian law.
Further Information
For further information, please contact the Secretary of the ICNDT Certification Executive Committee at icec-secretary@icndt.org.